A girl was pissed off with a guy... the reason, or reasons, are very trivial actually but they were committed by the guy one after the other, unintentionally I presume because he seemed not to notice the errors he was making, or he thinks he was not doing anything wrong. The girl tried to give hints about how she felt but the guy seemed to be too insensitive or blind to get them, so she tried to let them pass, trying not to make a big deal... but one's patience can extend only for so long. Like they say, everyone reaches the end of their ropes, sooner or later. And now, the girl is too pissed that she wouldn't even talk to the guy. The guy realizes something is wrong but doesn't really know what or why. He knows he might have done something wrong, but does not know specifically what. So he tries all sorts of ways that he could think of to get the girl to forgive him, to the point of shouting his apology to the whole wide world. But this only got the girl even more pissed off! "Why???", you might ask... because the only thing she was waiting for was for him to say sorry to her, not to the whole world. Hahahaha! I pity the guy, because I'm sure he was trying his best and he could not really read the girl's mind so how would he know what she really wants? I pity the girl, because I know how it feels to be disappointed when you don't get the kind of response you expect from someone you thought would know you better. You might say it's the girl's fault, she did not made known what she "really" wanted. But you know, girls may talk a lot but they do not really like to dictate everything to guys, point by point, every detail laid out... sometimes they want the guys to THINK too. Men don't get what the women want, women don't get why the men can't see what they want.
Yesterday I had an interesting exchange with a guy friend... I mentioned that I want to go for a walk after work. He asked where and if I wanted he could keep me company. I said I do not know yet where I would be going, depends on the weather... because I really have not planned anything yet. So he said ok, just let him know if I want him to tag along. In my mind I find it funny and confusing because I am not sure if he wants me to ask him to come along, or he is just being friendly. So I said, thank you (because I appreciate his offer to accompany me) but I did not want to disturb him and take his time so I also said I am fine whether alone or with someone (so he'll know I am fine if he wants to join me or not). I was surprised by his reply when he said it seems like I don't want him along and that it is fine with him if I prefer to be alone! I had to take a deep breath because I do not know if I hurt his feelings or if he was just making a joke. Then I explained what I meant and he explained what he understood. He said he did not know if I just wanted to be alone or I just didn't want to be with him. I said I did not know if he was asking me for permission to join me or just giving a friendly offer. He never asked me directly if he could join, he did not say he wants to come along. Then I said, there are so many things we do not know! He did not get what I mean, I did not get what he meant, but we both thought the other meant something else. So it's "he said, she said.." and "he thought, she thought..."! Hahaha!
There are just so many examples and so many instances where men and women do not understand each other. They may have known each other for so long but still there would be misunderstandings. Maybe because we always think we know better than the other, we are right, they are wrong. Maybe because we interpret each other inaccurately and we tend to jump into conclusions. Or maybe... because we try so hard to try to figure out and understand someone who is not us and so unlike us, someone completely different from us, someone who talks, thinks and feels so differently from us. So does that mean we would get along better if we don't try to read each other out??? I don't think so.. because we all have feelings and emotions, yes even men. We all crave attention and appreciation, maybe in different magnitudes and scope. And believe it or not, we all want to be happy and we do want to make each other happy in general, because bringing happiness to someone gives us a very special satisfaction that no words can explain and the unhappiness of the other, especially if it is caused by us affects us so much that it prevents us from being completely happy. Thus, we would always try to understand and read each other out to co-exist happily in this world. Though we came from two completely different worlds, we have lived in the same planet for centuries despite the differences. :)
absolutely true!
the differences of man and woman make life more interesting (and yeah, at times frustrating)...
I agree! Maybe those differences add spice to our lives. Hahahaha!
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