Saturday, October 09, 2010

Feels Not Quite Right

Woke up today not feeling quite right... I felt a bit hungry and too full at the same time.  Actually, I think this started from yesterday, I had a late lunch of a plate of noodles, a sandwich and a bottle of orange juice.  That was a bit too much though and I did not finish everything because I felt so full and bloated and that funny feeling like I want to throw up (don't worry, I did not).  Anyways, it was like that 'til dinner so I decided to eat just a teenie bitm so as not to aggravate the situation.  But the feeling persisted and lasted til evening.  In the end, I slept it off.  Unfortunately I woke up with it still in my system. 

So, I tried to ignore this feeling, hoping it would go away soon.  I waited for my brother to wake up, kept myself busy doing a bit of cleaning.  After about half an hour, he was up and off we went to McDonald's for a McD breakfast.  He was craving for pancakes!  Hahaha.  I had a "Sausage McMuffin with Egg" meal... which looks more like a mini burger and not a sausage/muffin set.  Feeling check - still funny.

Did some grocery shopping after breakfast, checked emails, Facebook, read the paper.  Feeling check - still funny and starting to feel a headache, so I decided to lie down and take a nap.  Was awakened about an hour later, bro is going out.  Feeling check - worse, can't feel that tummy feeling anymore but my head feels like it's about to split.  Tried to sleep again but could not.  Decided to go out for a walk.  Bad idea.  Too hot.  :(  Saw a drinks stall and got myself an iced milo drink to go and found my way back home.  Finished the drink at home and stopped for a feeling check - feeling full but better!  Wow, that was strange!  Was it just lack of sugar or cocoa perhaps??? 

Well, I'm still doing the "feeling checks", still a bit wary (or paranoid) about it.  Gonna have to watch what I eat and how much I eat for now.  It's not so nice feeling not quite right, especially on a lovely weekend like today.  :P

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