With my bestfriend, we just seem to be having similar experiences (except in the love department) if not at the same time, around the same time. When I feel sick, she feels it too. When I feel happy, tired, crazy, lazy, down, sleepy... she does too!
With my boyfriend, we think alike in most cases. We usually have the same ideas. We would blurt out the same thing at the same time. When one of us is thinking of calling or messaging another, the other would do exactly that right at that moment!
When it comes to my two twins though, they always bicker at one another but in a friendly way. I know they like each other and I know its their way of saying that they approve of each other. Aside from their teasing and bickering, they do have a lot of similarities, which they try to hide from each other to avoid the embarrassment of being the one to admit it. (Hahaha)
These are my two twins and I am thankful I have them in my life. We agree on (almost) everything and more often than not we think the same. We do have our differences but when we are together we just click! I find it unbelievable and weird and funny and interesting, but I love having my twins. :-)
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