Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hello World

Sometimes we feel like there is not enough time in a day for us to get everything done... so much work to be done, telephone calls to make, emails to read and reply to, functions and events to attend to, appointments, meetings, trips, deadlines, problems...  Sometimes the day haven't even started and we're already exhausted with our "to-do" list.

Sometimes we feel like everyday is a struggle, no matter how hard we try, it just gets harder and harder to go on.  Sometimes it feels as though we are stuck and there is no way out.  Sometimes we feel like a complete failure, a disappointment.  Sometimes we feel so hurt, broken and used.  Sometimes we just feel so much impatience, anger and hatred.  Sometimes we are just so tired of living.

Sometimes we feel like there is something missing but do not know what it is.  We keep looking and we keep missing because we do not know what we're looking for.  Sometimes we are looking for what we do not have when in fact, what we need, we already have.

Sometimes we are so caught up living our lives the way we thought we should... working hard for the money, climbing up the corporate ladder, partying 'til we drop, competing with everyone including ourselves, pushing everything and everyone to the limit, wasting and getting wasted, trying to be perfect when we know we can never be.  And then we stop and realize this is not a LIFE.  We become slaves of discontentment and we forget to LIVE.

How many birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, gatherings have we missed?  How many promises have we broken, feelings have we hurt, relationships have we ended?  How many times did someone needed us but we weren't there?  Do we even have time to spend with our families, friends and loved ones?  Do we even have time to pray and thank God for this day?  Could we even bother to say "Hello"?

So stop for a while now, look around you and at the World that is waiting for you to LIVE A LIFE"Hello, World..."

1 comment:

MARIE said...

hello bes! :D