Came across this beautiful song by Rascal Flatts... I love the melody and most of all the message.
In our lives we go through trials and pain that we sometimes tend to question life or even God. It sounds cliche, but it is true, sometimes these things happen for us to get to where we are really meant to be. Looking back, we realize that God really blessed the broken road that led us to the right path.
Last Friday, I accidentally locked myself up at home because I forgot my house keys in my bedroom which I already locked. It wouldn't have been a problem if only I didn't have to go to the office that day, at that specific time - we have an important meeting. I couldn't get out of the house because the main door is locked with a heavy duty padlock, I couldn't unlock it because the keys are locked inside the bedroom and jumping out of the window is not really a sensible option when you live on the 11th floor.